Bringing in new clients

Whether it’s though social media or in salon marketing, any photo shoot is great for generating that buzz around your salon you’ve been looking for.  Here is a list of ways that you can use The Magnet Sessions to gain new foot traffic at your location.


1.)  Model Casting Call

Casting calls are not only an essential part of any successful photo shoot but also a great way to get current clients and possibly new clients through your door. With flyers, word of mouth and online outlets it is possible to drum up a large crowd of potential models.  


2.)  Facebook, Instagram and Twitter Buzz

Adding the excitement of an upcoming photoshoot to your Facebook and Twitter feeds can really drum up a crowd for casting calls and other events. Creating Facebook events and inviting your clients not only shows them that you value them but also that you are riding the creative wave instead of being smashed but it. Everyone wants to feel like they go to the “cool salon”, so why not be THAT salon?