What if our team is running late?

- This is the one place where we have to be pretty strict. Because there are a lot of people involved, including stylists and models, punctuality is a must. If you are not ready for your time slot you are simply shortening your time in front of the camera. We will not be able to extend the time slots.  

What if our model cancels?

-This is always a fear when doing a photography shoot. I suggest to always have an extra model on location or at least on standby.

What can we use the images for?

- The images can be used for any advertising or promotion directly related to the participating salon or individual stylists.

I have more than one salon. Can the image be used for all of them?

- As long as you are the owner of all of them and they all share a common name.

How will the images be delivered to me?

- The images selected from your session will be reviewable online and once finals are selected the retouched versions will be available on a CD and mailed to you. The images will be supplied as full sized JPG files.

When can we expect our images?

- You can expect your review gallery to be live in 7-14 days after the shoot. Once the final images have been selected please allow 2-3 weeks for final retouching. This time frame can vary depending on the number of images chosen and any extended artwork requested.

What time can we get started the day of the shoot?

- The start time can vary based on the host salon. These details will be arranged as the logistics of the Magnet Session is finalized.